The Curing Log

Nope – we aren’t making a sick piece of wood well again. We have kinda made 2014 a year when we dive into curing…meats but maybe cheese later on. Our first experiment, Lonzino is hanging and we’ll check the weight tomorrow. If all goes well, we...

Beef Stew with Potato Dumplings!

I’ve raved about The Local Butcher Shop before. These guys deliver the finest meat you can get in or around Knoxville. There is NO comparison with the meat you get in the SUPERmarkets. So as I was out shopping for the weekend, I stopped in and ordered some bone...

Dal with Raita

We attended a dinner party a few nights ago and were treated to a lentil dish that, up until then, we were unfamiliar with. Dal is a traditional Indian dish. Sometimes made with fermented lentils, but if you don’t have time, feel free to use dried lentils....