Site Updates

While we are suffering through brutal humidity here in Tennessee, I thought I’d spend a little time updating our blog functionality. If you notice, the lefthand column has a few new additions (scroll all the way to the bottom if you’re on a mobile device)....

Our visit from a local ‘dog whisperer’

. Years ago, I had the privilege of having Beth Kelly work with some of my dogs that I was having trouble with. And last night Beth’s husband, Walt, came over to help us with our previously mentioned dog problems. I’ve told the story of Beth to many people...

Another Vendor…check!

We’re excited to find a photographer! I think we’ve found our wedding photographer! We’re just waiting to hear back about some travel pricing. We’ve interviewed some amazing photographers in this process! We’ve just had a hard time...

Weird post

For whatever reason the last post didnt make it correctly: What a week. Wow our dogs have went berzerk. They all want to kill one another after living happily together for a year+. We have a top notch behaviourist coming Wed to help us try to sort this mess out. It is...

Turkey Day!

It’s almost Thanksgiving! The day that we sit around, stuff our faces, and be grateful the pilgrams gave the Indians (oop, Native Americans) small pox. I’m excited about Mandee joining my family on Thanksgiving and then on Friday, we drive South to...