Turkey Day!

It’s almost Thanksgiving! The day that we sit around, stuff our faces, and be grateful the pilgrams gave the Indians (oop, Native Americans) small pox. I’m excited about Mandee joining my family on Thanksgiving and then on Friday, we drive South to...

Is the weekend over already?!

It was a pleasant, lazy, weekend for us. We took in Tower Heist at the theater, caught up on American Horriry Story (If you haven’t watched it, do so!), and made a video… not THAT kind of video! This is the first year that Mandee will not be home for...


So funny – Since Mandee and I have been casually talking about our future plans, yesterday she found an image on pinterest.com of a little illustration of the bride and groom that people used as a ‘logo’ on invitations, signs, thank you cards, etc....

Planning continues

I let a few people know my plans yesterday immediately after I purchased the ring. Yowzer! A little over a month!! I’m already nervous. Little does Mandee know that my insomnia is probably caused by excitement. My plans are well underway for the event! I’m...

So this is it!

Ordered this stunning yellow diamond ring yesterday! What will she say??? It’s a 90 year old Art Deco Ring with a Fancy Yellow center stone and white diamond baguettes…and it was only $500. Ha! Our inside joke that I would buy Mandee a ring as long as it...