by knoxfoodie | Dec 22, 2011 | Eric, Life, Mandee
So Mandee walked across the stage (Part 1…Part 2 is in a year) for her White Coat Ceremony this weekend. In attendance were myself, of course, her mom, sister, friend Heather, my sister and brother-in-law, and cousin Brian. Mandee pretty much covered the... by knoxfoodie | Dec 16, 2011 | Eric, Mandee
This coming week is sure to be hectic. Tomorrow, Mandee is participating in her White Coat Ceremoney (Meaning, it is the end of her strictly classroom studies and she’s about to embark on clinical practice for a year). So happy that her mom, sister, and close... by knoxfoodie | Dec 13, 2011 | Eric, Mandee
Yesterday marked a year since Mandee and I met in person during the snowstorm. We celebrated the evening at the Grill at Highlands Row. I lovely fine dining experience and the atmosphere is great. Several of our friends had complimented the establishment and they were... by knoxfoodie | Dec 12, 2011 | Engagement, Eric, Mandee
Courtesy of Lauren Ladd. Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR. by knoxfoodie | Dec 12, 2011 | Engagement, Eric, Mandee, Uncategorized
For those of you having trouble accessing the video, here’s a YouTube version: Mandee gets a surprise by knoxfoodie | Nov 30, 2011 | Engagement, Eric, Mandee
Thanksgiving was nice and we handled the multi-city travel well. On THursday, we had a late lunch spread at my Sister and Brother-In-Law’s house. Traditional all the way with turkey, dressing and all the yummy fixings! On Friday, the dogs (except Basil who...