by knoxfoodie | Oct 31, 2013 | Entertainment, Food, knoxfoodie, veggies
We attended a dinner party a few nights ago and were treated to a lentil dish that, up until then, we were unfamiliar with. Dal is a traditional Indian dish. Sometimes made with fermented lentils, but if you don’t have time, feel free to use dried lentils.... by knoxfoodie | Oct 22, 2013 | Photos
Say Cheese! by knoxfoodie | Oct 17, 2013 | Photos
Say Cheese! by knoxfoodie | Oct 15, 2013 | Drink, Food, knoxfoodie
Remember, if you are on twitter, be sure to follow us! @knoxfoodie by knoxfoodie | Oct 14, 2013 | Drink
At our place, in late summer, we always see these strange avacado-looking fruits on the hill behind our house and it took a couple years for me to figure out that these are Maypops, the South’s native Passion Fruit. And are almost as tasty as the Hawaiian...