
OK, well we have had so many people really ask us to do a registry, we caved and put together a few things that we’ve been wanting for a while. You can see them at Amazon and on our Wine Registry here.

Ramp it up!

When I was growing up, I clearly remember the local Ramp Festival being a news segment every spring. I wasn’t particularly interested since everyone used words like “stinky”, “garlicky”, “putrid”, “intollerable” to...


Wow – time is flying! Can’t believe it’s only 4 months until we travel to Savannah and get married!! Invitations are being printed and we can’t wait to get them in the mail. We will reveal them here after the wedding. By the way, if you guys...

Springtime in Knoxville!

I know, I know it’s been a while since I have blogged. I don’t have a very good excuse either! A lot has gone on since my last one so here’s a recap: I got a job! Pretty much my dream job as well. I passed my boards! That was a really hard feat but...