by knoxfoodie | Jul 19, 2015 | Entertainment, Food, Knoxville, veggies
Believe it or not, the 90+ degree heat and 100% humidity is not our favorite part of summer in East Tennessee! It’s tomato season without a doubt and this helps us get past the heat. A favorite way to bring out their flavor for us is a traditional tomato pie....
by knoxfoodie | Jun 22, 2015 | Fish, Food, veggies
Really easy one today…. We snagged some of the last of this year’s snap peas at the Farmers Market this weekend and wanted to highlight them in a dish. We won’t get any with this kind of flavor until next spring. We threw together a few herbs with...
by knoxfoodie | Dec 10, 2014 | Food, Gather With ME, knoxfoodie, Pork, veggies
As part of our ongoing collaboration with Marc Nelson Denim, we will be featuring the recipe for this flavor-packed, juicy [easyazon_link identifier=”B000Q19PGI” locale=”US” tag=”bluecanoe09-20″]pork tenderloin[/easyazon_link] in... by knoxfoodie | Jul 8, 2014 | Entertainment, Fish, Food, veggies
We are relatively new to ancient grains like sorghum and decided to give them a try. The finished product is a nutty, al dente grain that can be prepared in a number of ways. Many people suggest soaking overnight to shorten the cooking time, but in our case that... by knoxfoodie | Apr 24, 2014 | Food, Knoxville, veggies
One of our favorite things to do on Saturday mornings is to visit the Market Square Farmers Market on Saturday morning, have some local coffee and a breakfast selection from a local food truck and browse the market for the freshest local ingredients. You never know... by knoxfoodie | Apr 9, 2014 | Beef, Entertainment, Food, Pork, veggies
We’ve been cooking at home a LOT lately. Mostly because we have upcoming travel that will surely test our waste bands. Here’s a few iPhone shots of our recent dishes that we haven’t had a chance to put recipes up on…