Happy birthday @myrtlesbakehouse !! Posted @withregram • @myrtlesbakehouse Myrtle’s Birthday Hey cookie family! This is going to be a bit of a longer post for us so, try and stick it out to the end. We promise, it’ll be worth it 🍪 ❤️ If you’ve ever taken a minute to look at our logo you may have noticed a few very special details. All of these details are about Myrtle. Myrtle loved to rose garden, she taught countless people to play the piano, and she was born in 1923. I’ll never forget her birthdate, maybe because it sometimes fell on Friday the 13th or maybe because she used it as another reason to love us. Even if it should have been her day. Our little bakery has only been around a little over a year and our store front is even younger than that. But this month marks when Myrtle would have turned 99. And it wouldn’t feel right to us if we didn’t somehow celebrate that. We know that if Myrtle were here she would want to make something special for others to enjoy. That was just her style, she always said; love ya more. So, how are are going to honor the lady that loved to share the love? Well, we know you all love our cookies and to be frank, we love making them. The look on folks faces when they see the BIG COOKIES for the first time or the way our Myrtle’s fans love telling others “You HAVE to try these cookies”. We can see it, all the cookie love. Mark. Your. Calendar. Set your alarm. Get ready. Starting on June 11th at 11am we are going to celebrate in true Myrtle Fashion. We are bringing back every cookie that we have made over the last year…. Yeah, you read that right. All of them. The list is long and we will reveal more as the week goes on. But if you know us, you know over 40 cookies are coming your way. We can assure you. You’re going to love it and we, we are going to love ya more.

View on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CedzvMpOYrr/

Happy birthday @myrtlesbakehouse !! Posted @withregram • @myrtlesbakehouse Myrtle’s Birthday Hey cookie family! This is going to be a bit of a longer post for us so, try and stick it out to the end. We promise, it’ll be worth it 🍪 ❤️ If you’ve ever taken a minute to look at our logo you may have noticed a few very special details. All of these details are about Myrtle. Myrtle loved to rose garden, she taught countless people to play the piano, and she was born in 1923. I’ll never forget her birthdate, maybe because it sometimes fell on Friday the 13th or maybe because she used it as another reason to love us. Even if it should have been her day. Our little bakery has only been around a little over a year and our store front is even younger than that. But this month marks when Myrtle would have turned 99. And it wouldn’t feel right to us if we didn’t somehow celebrate that. We know that if Myrtle were here she would want to make something special for others to enjoy. That was just her style, she always said; love ya more. So, how are are going to honor the lady that loved to share the love? Well, we know you all love our cookies and to be frank, we love making them. The look on folks faces when they see the BIG COOKIES for the first time or the way our Myrtle’s fans love telling others “You HAVE to try these cookies”. We can see it, all the cookie love. Mark. Your. Calendar. Set your alarm. Get ready. Starting on June 11th at 11am we are going to celebrate in true Myrtle Fashion. We are bringing back every cookie that we have made over the last year…. Yeah, you read that right. All of them. The list is long and we will reveal more as the week goes on. But if you know us, you know over 40 cookies are coming your way. We can assure you. You’re going to love it and we, we are going to love ya more.

View on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CedzvMpOYrr/

Happy birthday @myrtlesbakehouse !! Posted @withregram • @myrtlesbakehouse Myrtle’s Birthday Hey cookie family! This is going to be a bit of a longer post for us so, try and stick it out to the end. We promise, it’ll be worth it 🍪 ❤️ If you’ve ever taken a minute to look at our logo you may have noticed a few very special details. All of these details are about Myrtle. Myrtle loved to rose garden, she taught countless people to play the piano, and she was born in 1923. I’ll never forget her birthdate, maybe because it sometimes fell on Friday the 13th or maybe because she used it as another reason to love us. Even if it should have been her day. Our little bakery has only been around a little over a year and our store front is even younger than that. But this month marks when Myrtle would have turned 99. And it wouldn’t feel right to us if we didn’t somehow celebrate that. We know that if Myrtle were here she would want to make something special for others to enjoy. That was just her style, she always said; love ya more. So, how are are going to honor the lady that loved to share the love? Well, we know you all love our cookies and to be frank, we love making them. The look on folks faces when they see the BIG COOKIES for the first time or the way our Myrtle’s fans love telling others “You HAVE to try these cookies”. We can see it, all the cookie love. Mark. Your. Calendar. Set your alarm. Get ready. Starting on June 11th at 11am we are going to celebrate in true Myrtle Fashion. We are bringing back every cookie that we have made over the last year…. Yeah, you read that right. All of them. The list is long and we will reveal more as the week goes on. But if you know us, you know over 40 cookies are coming your way. We can assure you. You’re going to love it and we, we are going to love ya more.

View on Instagram https://instagr.am/p/CedzvMpOYrr/