Springtime in Knoxville!

I know, I know it’s been a while since I have blogged. I don’t have a very good excuse either! A lot has gone on since my last one so here’s a recap: I got a job! Pretty much my dream job as well. I passed my boards! That was a really hard feat but...


So last weekend, after talking about it for 12 months, we went camping with Brian and Jerry. OK, so preface this with this is my first time camping..ever. so I expected that there would be some lively stories of me missing the comforts of home…but not so much....

Atlanta for Labor Day

We had a really relaxing weekend… which was really nice! We went to Atlanta (or close anyway) to see M’s family. We stayed at Granny D’s new condo. Once we had Basil fully drugged out of his gourd for the trip (he foams if he’s not drugged into...

Culinary partner in crime

I am remined several days a week usually how much i enjoy having someone to share culinary adventures with. Whether it is trying out new recipies, making up our own, or venturing out like we did this past weekend to explore new tastes. Here is some of our recent...