by knoxfoodie | Nov 2, 2018 | Recipe, Thanksgiving, Uncategorized
Cookbook author Anne Byrn has released her new “American Cookie: The Snaps, Drops, Jumbles, Tea Cakes, Bars & Brownies That We Have Loved for Generations” and she will be at the Old Mill in Pigeon Forge on November 10th for a book signing. When her...
by knoxfoodie | Feb 2, 2018 | Food, Photography, Recipe, Whole30
Pan Fried Chicken Cutlets with Oven Fries – Whole30 & Paleo Friendly Too We’re on Whole30 Day 16 and feeling normal again! They aren’t kidding when they say the first couple weeks on Whole30 are rough. They are! About Day 13 we got our energy...
by knoxfoodie | Jan 30, 2018 | Food, knoxfoodie, Knoxville, Pork, Recipe, Uncategorized, veggies, Whole30
We ran across a youtube video with some annoying Whole30 host that gave us the idea for this dish. We couldn’t rewatch it because of the host, so we just took the idea: Roulade + Cabbage, and ran with it. And that’s what you should do too. If you...
by knoxfoodie | Jan 26, 2018 | Appetizers, Food, Pork, Recipe, Whole30
We have a couple friends that we talked into Whole30 so we’d have some outside support (aside from the great Facebook groups). The last couple weeks we’ve got together at one another homes and shared a meal. We opted for Asian-style again with Pork &...
by knoxfoodie | Jan 17, 2018 | Beef, Food, knoxfoodie, Recipe, veggies, Whole30
When the crazy idea of doing Whole30 hit us, we knew we had to get creative so we wouldn’t be bored. We also knew that, since we enjoy entertaining, our recipes had to appeal to those who were not on Whole30. We didn’t want to have friends over and make...
by knoxfoodie | Jan 12, 2018 | Beef, Food, knoxfoodie, Knoxville, Recipe, Whole30
It was cold in East Tennessee last week. One of the longest sub-20° stretches we’ve had in years and we don’t like it. On the positive side, it keeps us inside and not tempted to drop in a favorite restaurant and let our Whole30 commitment slip! When the...