Culinary partner in crime

I am remined several days a week usually how much i enjoy having someone to share culinary adventures with. Whether it is trying out new recipies, making up our own, or venturing out like we did this past weekend to explore new tastes. Here is some of our recent...

One last birthday Post

We had a nice time last night at 31 Bisto with friends and family from Knoxville. A street singer was busking on the Square and we asked him to entertain us for a moment… hilarious. I’m quite certain he doesn’t even remember the encounter today....

Georgia Spring

We had a great trip to Atlanta for a long weekend. Upon arrival I was a little concerned because the hotel was beseached with testosterone spewing frat boys in town for some basketball game… they wore blue so I’m guessing it wasn’t the TN Volunteers....

It’s another birthday!

In just over a week Mandee turns 32!! (all indications are that she’s not going to cath up with me) we’re headed to atlanta on Friday for a long weekend celebration as soon as Mandee finishes up a few tests at school. Looking forward to the trip, some...

Birthday Weekend…

And so it begins… my last year in the 30s has started! I sit and write this on what would have been my dad’s 80th birthday. Wow, hard to believe. What a nice weekend it was, even though it started off a little rocky. Friday evening, my niece Taylor was...

Holiday 2011

On Friday I headed down to the Atlanta area to join Mandee for Christmas. We met up at Mike and Melissa’s for a wonderful dinner crafted by Melissa and Mandee (Although Mike and Mandee’s mom laid claim to the fixin’s)… YUM! Eric definitely had...