by knoxfoodie | Apr 18, 2012 | Eric, Life
Hey All – We’re still alive… we’re just very busy right now. The wife-elect’s school schedule is especially wacky, I’m on jury duty (which is kinda fun I hate to admit)… but we’re still kicking. Happy birthday to my... by knoxfoodie | Mar 4, 2012 | Engagement, Eric, Life
Mandee was doing her usual blog surfing a couple weeks ago and found this very interesting post. It is something i would really like to incorporate into our lives because i think it will make our relationship stronger. Now, theres at least one on this list that will... by knoxfoodie | Jan 20, 2012 | Eric, Life
Late winter is birthday season in my family… unfortunately a lot of them fall closely together. My older niece, Lauren celebrated hers this week, my mom’s was 1/27, mine is 2/4, my dad’s was 2/6, and my other niece Taylor is celebrating her 21st... by knoxfoodie | Dec 22, 2011 | Eric, Life, Mandee
So Mandee walked across the stage (Part 1…Part 2 is in a year) for her White Coat Ceremony this weekend. In attendance were myself, of course, her mom, sister, friend Heather, my sister and brother-in-law, and cousin Brian. Mandee pretty much covered the... by knoxfoodie | Nov 8, 2011 | Engagement, Eric, Life
I’m nearing the one month countdown! Good grief I want to show someone the ring! by knoxfoodie | Nov 8, 2011 | Entertainment, Eric, Life
So I came home from work yesterday after some frustrations and Mandee had prepared the most wonderful meal of Lasagna in Bechemel Sauce and A Salad with homemade dressing. What a lucky fella! I’m not old fashioned by any means. And neither is Mandee. But this...