by knoxfoodie | Jan 26, 2018 | Appetizers, Food, Pork, Recipe, Whole30
We have a couple friends that we talked into Whole30 so we’d have some outside support (aside from the great Facebook groups). The last couple weeks we’ve got together at one another homes and shared a meal. We opted for Asian-style again with Pork &...
by knoxfoodie | Jan 17, 2018 | Beef, Food, knoxfoodie, Recipe, veggies, Whole30
When the crazy idea of doing Whole30 hit us, we knew we had to get creative so we wouldn’t be bored. We also knew that, since we enjoy entertaining, our recipes had to appeal to those who were not on Whole30. We didn’t want to have friends over and make...
by knoxfoodie | Jan 12, 2018 | Beef, Food, knoxfoodie, Knoxville, Recipe, Whole30
It was cold in East Tennessee last week. One of the longest sub-20° stretches we’ve had in years and we don’t like it. On the positive side, it keeps us inside and not tempted to drop in a favorite restaurant and let our Whole30 commitment slip! When the...
by knoxfoodie | Jan 10, 2018 | Appetizers, Food, Kitchen Essentials, Knoxville, Pork, Recipe, veggies, Whole30
We published a number of Whole30 recipes to document our journey this month, but many things we had were just not enough to make a whole post out of so we thought we’d include a few of those as well. Sous Vide Pork Chops We get a lot of mileage out of our Anova...
by knoxfoodie | Sep 27, 2017 | Destination, Food, Uncategorized
Music City. One of our favorite places to eat, drink and visit with friends. September brings in the Music City Food and Wine Festival to Nashville, TN. It’s a time for chefs, restaurants and bars to show off what they do. It was a 3 day festival this year and...
by Mandee McNew | Jul 21, 2017 | Appetizers, Beef, Breakfast, brewery, brewpub, Drink, Entertainment, Eric, Famous Chefs, Fish, Food, knoxfoodie, Life, Mandee, Uncategorized
The folks at Asheville Wine and Food Festival have asked us to help spread the word about an unofficial holiday for chefs and cooks alike called Culinarians Day. This day, July 25, is a time for us to recognize and thank those that bring joy to us through their food....