Let the sampling begin…

Last night, we had our very first taste (ahem) of a caterer’s food for our wedding… yeah, we are probably planning this a little early. Yum! A local caterer, Abner’s Attic, was hosting an open house. They certainly had some yummy food, but what most...

Birthday Weekend…

And so it begins… my last year in the 30s has started! I sit and write this on what would have been my dad’s 80th birthday. Wow, hard to believe. What a nice weekend it was, even though it started off a little rocky. Friday evening, my niece Taylor was...

Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays

Late winter is birthday season in my family… unfortunately a lot of them fall closely together. My older niece, Lauren celebrated hers this week, my mom’s was 1/27, mine is 2/4, my dad’s was 2/6, and my other niece Taylor is celebrating her 21st...

Holiday 2011

On Friday I headed down to the Atlanta area to join Mandee for Christmas. We met up at Mike and Melissa’s for a wonderful dinner crafted by Melissa and Mandee (Although Mike and Mandee’s mom laid claim to the fixin’s)… YUM! Eric definitely had...

Cut Throat!

So Mandee walked across the stage (Part 1…Part 2 is in a year) for her White Coat Ceremony this weekend. In attendance were myself, of course, her mom, sister, friend Heather, my sister and brother-in-law, and cousin Brian. Mandee pretty much covered the...

Another busy week

This coming week is sure to be hectic. Tomorrow, Mandee is participating in her White Coat Ceremoney (Meaning, it is the end of her strictly classroom studies and she’s about to embark on clinical practice for a year). So happy that her mom, sister, and close...