by knoxfoodie | Jun 10, 2013 | Entertainment, Eric, Food, Mandee, Pork
Another on-again, off-again rain weekend. We did get a chance to get our invitations stuffed and they’re going in the mail this week! They were a bit more labor-intensive that I’d expected. We had them professionally printed, but did the assembly... by knoxfoodie | May 20, 2013 | Eric, Mandee, Wedding
Wow – time is flying! Can’t believe it’s only 4 months until we travel to Savannah and get married!! Invitations are being printed and we can’t wait to get them in the mail. We will reveal them here after the wedding. By the way, if you guys... by knoxfoodie | Apr 23, 2013 | Eric, Food, Mandee, Travel, Wedding
I know, I know it’s been a while since I have blogged. I don’t have a very good excuse either! A lot has gone on since my last one so here’s a recap: I got a job! Pretty much my dream job as well. I passed my boards! That was a really hard feat but... by knoxfoodie | Feb 27, 2013 | Entertainment, Eric, Travel, Wedding
Wow – it’s just 7 months!! Almost everything is done (Oh except for our attire!). We have a short trip to Savannah scheduled for the end of next month to put the final touches on a few things. Hopefully Winter will be finished by then. It’s crazy... by knoxfoodie | Dec 31, 2012 | Eric, Holidays, Mandee
Happy New Year everyone!!! Big year ahead!!! ~E&M by knoxfoodie | Dec 14, 2012 | Career, Engagement, Eric, Life, Mandee, Wedding
This is not the normal ‘End of the year’ post… after all, if you listen to the people that think the Mayan’s meant something by ending their calendar one week from now, you’d think it’s the end of everything! No, there’s a lot...