by knoxfoodie | Nov 8, 2011 | Engagement, Eric, Life
I’m nearing the one month countdown! Good grief I want to show someone the ring! by knoxfoodie | Nov 2, 2011 | Engagement, Eric
About to show my sister the ring! by knoxfoodie | Nov 2, 2011 | Engagement, Eric
Just received the ring and it’s stunning! by knoxfoodie | Nov 1, 2011 | Engagement, Eric, Mandee, Uncategorized
I let a few people know my plans yesterday immediately after I purchased the ring. Yowzer! A little over a month!! I’m already nervous. Little does Mandee know that my insomnia is probably caused by excitement. My plans are well underway for the event! I’m... by knoxfoodie | Nov 1, 2011 | Engagement, Eric, Mandee
Ordered this stunning yellow diamond ring yesterday! What will she say??? It’s a 90 year old Art Deco Ring with a Fancy Yellow center stone and white diamond baguettes…and it was only $500. Ha! Our inside joke that I would buy Mandee a ring as long as it... by knoxfoodie | Oct 26, 2011 | Engagement, Eric, Mandee, Uncategorized
Old Mine Diamond Engagement Ring via Engagement Rings – Old Mine Diamond Engagement Ring.