Guisado de Puerco en Chile Rojo Ingredients 5 pounds of pork shoulder cubed 1 teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon cumin 8 guajillo peppers 3 ancho peppers 2 tablespoons of sesame seed 3 cloves of garlic 2 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds 11⁄2 tablespoons of salt 1 cup of orange juice 11⁄2 cups of water 4 bay leaves, bay leaves 1 teaspoon oregano Preparation time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 100 minutes Total portions: 10 servings of 1 cup Calories per serving: 279kcal How to make Pork Roast First we put together 1 teaspoon of black pepper, 1 teaspoon of cumin, and 1 teaspoon of salt, crush it in a molcajete to marinate the meat. Cover the meat and put it in the refrigerator for about 40 minutes so that the meat absorbs the flavor of the spices. Brown the meat with lard. Add a third cup of water and leave it covered over medium heat for 30 minutes. While the meat is cooking, let’s devein and remove the seeds of the ancho and guajillo peppers. Then we are going to toast them in a frying pan, taking care that they do not burn so that the sauce does not get bitter. Then roast the sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds over low heat because these seeds burn very quickly. Then blend the toasted ingredients along with 3 cloves of garlic, 1⁄2 tablespoon of salt, orange juice and 11⁄2 cups of water. When the meat has been cooked for 30 minutes, separate it from the broth. If you notice in the broth there is fat at the top, with the help of a ladle we take it out and brown the meat for half an hour more. Finally, add the marinade we prepared and the broth we had removed to the meat. Let it cook with bay leaves and oregano for 40 minutes over low heat. The flavor and smell is spectacular, serve with rice, tortillas or the ingredient you want.

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Posted @withregram • @oldevirdensafm Just to be clear, @olde_virdens isn’t going anywhere. We are stronger than ever and moving closer to being a nationally known brand. We are going to be focusing on growing our line and getting the product out to folks all over the country. You can follow us, and our journey, on our IG account @olde_virdens. Stay tuned for info on what is left in the store and when we will be open.

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