Chef Holly Hambright was the ultimate host!
Trust Fall, the ‘secret’ dinner club and hottest ticket in town as far as food goes, recently handed over the reigns to Chef Holly Hambright (along with sous chef Anna Bogle) for the evening. And anyone out there that knows Holly knows she didn’t disappoint. Not only were the guests taking a trust fall, but so were the organizers of Trust Fall. The menu was kept a secret even from them. Under normal circumstances, the organizers approve the menu… but this is the Grand Dame of Knoxville Cuisine and you let her do what she wants! This included using her own family silver and dishes.
For starters….

Greeters were: Marigold Pickled Deviled Eggs • Tomato water shots • Tempered Butter Breakfast Radishes

The beautifully set table with Holly’s own family china and silver.

The Fallen Apple Cocktail • The Bitter Pill (Grapefruit Soda, Campari, Bubbles)
As dinner time approached, the Trust Fall organizers informed everyone that Chef Holly would require all cell phones and photographic equipment be deposited into a basket so as to encourage discourse among the guests. In honoring that request, unlike some in attendance, we present to you the 8 delicious courses from the Holly Hambright Trust Fall dinner.

The Menu
An Amuse of Lamb Tartare, Radish Salad, chanterelle confit (not on menu)

Corned Beet, Benne Shortbread, Mascarpone

Pumpkin Stew, Georgia Shrimp, Pickled and Toasted Georgia Peanuts

Hickory King Corn Broth, Melting Leek and Huitlacoche Timbale

Land and Sea: Purple Hulled Peas, Sea Island Reds, Calico Limas, Seared Cobia, Crispy Jowlciale

Blue Potato Gnocchi, Herbed Cruze Farm Buttermilk Whey “Brodo”, Purple Basil

The idea of Galumki: Seared Rib Eye, Braised Red Cabbage, Rye Berries, Sauerkraut Essence, 860 Ford Farm Horseradish Mousse

Black Walnut Brownie, Banana, Beignet, Caramel Sauce, Nougatine Dust
Black Coffee Gelatin, Citrus Cream
Of course, we’ve presented this all in tongue and cheek fashion. The actual course photos will be on the official Trust Fall site soon, but we wanted to honor what the Chef asked of us! We were in her home as a guest so that’s the least we could do!