We hosted a few friends over for New Years Eve this year rather than hitting the town. Here’s a few of the highlights!


Duck Confit Deviled Eggs with Truffle Salt and Homemade Mustard

Duck Confit Deviled Eggs with Truffle Salt and Homemade Mustard

The Meat And Cheese Board with Benton's Prosciutto

The Meat And Cheese Board with Benton’s Prosciutto

Grown Up S'Mores

Grown Up S’Mores

Benton's Ham Hock Terrine

Benton’s Ham Hock Terrine

Smoked Trout Toasts

Smoked Trout Toasts

Boiled Peanut Hummus

Boiled Peanut Hummus

Cannoli Tarts

Cannoli Tarts


Mrs KnoxFoodie

Mrs KnoxFoodie