Another year has came and gone and it’s hard to believe! 2014 was filled with so many fun new adventures for these two foodies! And 2015 is already looking like it will be full of great new adventures! We feasted at some incredible restaurants. The main highlight being Mason’s in Nashville! Seriously, if you haven’t been, it’s worth the trip to Nashville just to sample some of Chef Frohne’s amazing creations. We challenged ourselves with charcuterie this year and were, for the most part, successful. I gotta say, the Umai bags made the learning curve a little easier. We ventured far from home a couple times and dined at some great places. Chef Frohne’s grandmother’s restaurant being a highlight. We even entered our first cooking competition and met the Goo Goo Cluster Mistress Beth while there. And Mrs Knoxfoodie won the Knoxville Craft Beer Cocktail competition handily!
We put more effort into our photography thanks to our dear friend Don Dudenbostel’s guidance. Mr Knoxfoodie had a brief encounter with a back surgeon mid-year, but is better than new now! We just welcomed our new nephew Liam into the family on Christmas Eve. Mr Knoxfoodie officially married our dear friends Heather and PJ too! That’s a new one.
A big highlight for us was collaborating with Marc Nelson Denim on recipes for their newsletter, the Daily Denim. We will continue this series with at least one or two recipes each month. It not only is fun, but forces us to try new techniques and be on a regular schedule. Do sign up if you haven’t already. Below are some of the recipes we did for the holidays. We are open to suggestions as well. The fine folks Marc Nelson do what we like, they champion local everything… from the Honeybee trailer coffee to nearby jewelry makers, to their First Friday celebrations, they love Knoxville and Tennessee and are proud to show it!
We look forward to 2015 and are anxious to get started with many new things on our calendar that we can’t reveal just yet. Many thanks to all the wonderful people we have met through KnoxFoodie on social media. We can’t mention everyone, but you know who you are. You’ve become special friends to us and we can’t wait to see you in 2015. Take care, celebrate the new year (we have a special Benton’s Hamhock Terrine and other goodies we will be sharing with friends at a relaxing celebration at home to ring in 2015), and keep in touch! We will see you back here in 2015!