Here we go! We are a week away and I can’t believe it. There’s been SO much happening in the last few weeks it’s been hard to keep up with. Lots of great KnoxFoodie activities. We were honored to have very special portraits done by Don Dudenbostel. They were shot on an 1850’s camera using a wetplate technique that hasn’t changes much in nearly 200 years. What an honor to be shot be someone of Don’s caliber who, along with his wife Cynthia, we consider great friends! Very moving.
There’s not much more we can write in detail without revealing details about the upcoming events and we want everyone to be surprised. Can’t wait to share photos of stationary, event designs, food designs, and everything else once it’s all said and done!
As the moment approaches, of course, emotions are on high. I’m generally one to try to divert them with humor…but it’s getting harder. I’m really excited about the approaching moment! Can’t wait to start this next chapter together. (Can’t wait to STOP scraping away every dollar to send to our treasured wedding vendors either!). Our families have been so kind. My future mother-in-law had such nice words to say at our engagement party. And my sister and brother-in-law have just been the best. I even had my eyebrows plucked by my aesthetician niece! We’re so lucky to have the people in our lives that we have. At the same time, there’s the bittersweetness that some special people are no longer with us and can’t share in our joy. But we will be sure to recognize those people who hold such a special place in our hearts. To make up for it, we plan to celebrate on an even grander scale with those that are still with us!
Our next check-in will likely be after the wedding! We have a pretty hectic schedule because we added an extra detour in after the wedding…but we couldn’t refuse!
See you on the flip side!