I know, I know it’s been a while since I have blogged. I don’t have a very good excuse either! A lot has gone on since my last one so here’s a recap:
I got a job! Pretty much my dream job as well.
I passed my boards! That was a really hard feat but the worst parts were: a. going to take it in the middle of an ice storm and b. waiting a whole week for my results!
The husband-elect and I are embarking on one culinary adventure after another in our home and abroad. We’ve had a couple of dinner parties with friends in which we have broadened the horizons of our guests, then we have had our own minds blown in the most unlikely places such as Chattanooga, TN! St. John’s Meeting Place is an amazing spot there.
Our most recent adventures include that trip to Chattanooga to see Elton John and then to Savannah to finalize some wedding plans. Both trips were a lot of fun but they were both pretty action packed. The husband-elect and I are looking forward to a beach-do nothing vacation soon.
In more recent developments:
We have started a larger garden this year and E made me a couple of raised beds in which to grow our crops! We have radishes, carrots, sweet and hot peppers, brussel sprouts, te you, a host of herbs, tomatoes and lettuces. It’s going to be awesome! I hope we can keep the mice away this year so we can share this stuff with our peeps!
2 weekends ago was an especially exciting one as I went shopping for my wedding dress! I went down to Atlanta for the weekend to be with my mom, sis, and two of my very best friends. It also happened to be my sister’s birthday weekend so there was a lot of celebrating to do! I got to see my adorable niece whom I haven’t seen since Christmas and she has grown so much! She’s so adorable and spent all day Saturday with us as I tried on dress after dress looking for something that matched my unique personality. We didn’t have any luck Saturday but when Sunday came around I decided to give David’s Bridal a shot. We walked into the store, started looking at dresses, and there she was! The most perfect dress that I never thought I would fall in live with. Now, they did not have my size in the color I wanted but we clipped it to another one in a different color and I didn’t want to take it off! Needless to say, my mom and the rest of the crew loved it as well. I can’t wait to wear it in September!
Finally, this past weekend E and I hosted a birthday pizza party for his sister and cousin. This was not your ordinary pizza party though. We had mushroom crostini and arancini as the apps, a shaved asparagus and carrot salad, three different pizzas (mozzarella and olive oil, pesto chicken, and pepperoni with banana peppers), and we finished with a blood orange olive oil gelato, vanilla poppyseed cake with chocolate and a berry sauce. Everyone was well fed and we all had a lovely time. We even took advantage of the awesome weather and sat out by the fire for a while. It was a successful night!
I think that’s it for now! Thanks for reading and we will update again soon!