Basil meets ‘Breezy’

We had a really relaxing weekend… which was really nice! We went to Atlanta (or close anyway) to see M’s family. We stayed at Granny D’s new condo. Once we had Basil fully drugged out of his gourd for the trip (he foams if he’s not drugged into oblivion). We had a nice drive down. Me and Basil finally got to see the newest addition to the family. After a quick sniff, Basil avoided any and all eye contact with ‘the new bald puppy’.


The Bone Garden Cantina

We had an excellent meal at The Bone Garden Cantina. As everyone who knows us knows, we’re foodies. And I’d been wanting to try goat for a while. It’s the most widely eaten meat in the world. I was certain that someonein Atlanta would have goat meat and sure ‘nuf M was able to find The Bone Garden. I odered a goat taco to pass around the table and was really surprised.

Pork Tamale and a Chorizo enchilada with guajillo ranchero sauce, queso fresco and chihiahia cheese

Our server discouraged us from ordering more than one because goat has a ‘peculiar’ flavor. So we only ordered one. And let me tell you it’s delicious. I was expecting something rather gamey like lamb. But it was not fatty and was very similar to bison. Very very good! If you havent’ tried it, please do. You’re really missing out. We also really enjoyed the atmosphere of the Bone Garden. We’d read mixed reviews online, but the service was excellent.

Goat Taco!


The rest of the weekend was mostly just being lazy. We took a little time and tried to find some neat mid-century modern homes to look at…. Truth be told, we mostly just wondered around aimlessly. But it was fun anyway!


And now it’s back to the grind.