Old Fashioned with American Spirit at TAP

We had a great trip to Atlanta for a long weekend. Upon arrival I was a little concerned because the hotel was beseached with testosterone spewing frat boys in town for some basketball game… they wore blue so I’m guessing it wasn’t the TN Volunteers. But happily, other than one 4AM parade thru the hallway, it was peaceful. We stayed at the Georgian Terrace (sleeping place of several former, now deceased presidents). The lobby is a grand column seemingly towering to the clouds… our room was not exactly expansive though…but still, it was fine. After settling in Friday, we made a stop at TAP: A Gastro Pub. A very neat little place on Peachtree that is a sister restaurant to our Saturday dinner destination. Unfortunately for us, we happened upon a new whiskey that is just starting to be distributed. Folks, if you like whiskey (or even vodka), give American Spirit a try. Smoothest whiskey I’ve ever had and I can’t wait to try some with a cigar. We had a few… then a few more drinks. And maybe an appetizer…um, things were foggy by then.

ML and ME at Vortex

After our afternoon haze subsided, we met Mandee’s friend M.E. at the Vortex for a great burger. The folks at Vortex are so sweet, happy and charming (that was sarcasm). Not willing to call it a night just yet (dinner was early), we went to Beluga Martini and Jazz Bar. You can read my review at Yelp. The 3 of us had a good time in a relaxed atmosphere and afterwards, it was time to call it a night.

Birthday Girl!

Saturday, I was in recovery mode for much of the day and definitely not on my game. Breakfast was at the Flying Biscuit with Granny D (Mandee’s Mom). It’s one of our must-haves when we’re in town. We visited Atlantic Station and Ikea for some shopping (obligatory). And met up with Cousin Brian who came down for the evening. And managed to FINALLY have lunch after a long wait and terrible service at California Pizza Kitchen. But the BLT Pizza was oh so good.

Not sure what happen to my hair Saturday!

We had just enough time after lunch to make our way back to the hotel and change for dinner. A few miles away was our REAL destination for the trip to Atlanta… Two Urban Licks. The three of us met up with the rest of the family (who were convinced we had arranged all this for some special announcement….sorry for the disappointment guys). Dinner was AWESOME! YUM YUM. If you’re in Atlanta, you have to make it a stop.

After dinner and happy birthdays, our bellies were stuffed and we were off to bar hop a bit. On the list were Joe’s On Juniper, and Blake’s. Even though we were warned by our gay-bashing Muslim cabby to stay away from ‘dim places… “No No No, you don’t want to go there”. We didn’t appreciate that…and the tip showed. I think were were all a little off our game that night. We sat, mostly in a daze people watching. But had fun nevertheless.

Saturday after a great breakfast at J. Christopher, we stopped in the Market (um, I can’t remember the name, but it’s where Alton Brown shops) And picked up a Pork Belly that will go on the grill tomorrow night. We were then on the road to Ktown.

We had a really nice weekend and can’t wait for another trip to Elton John’s American hometown!