Well, I have successfully completed two of my eight clinical rotations! Now, the husband-elect and I are headed to the big city of Atlanta for a weekend of fun.  Among the things on our ‘to do’ list is dinner at TWO Urban Licks.  This place is quickly becoming one of our fave places to dine anywhere.  The atmosphere is cool and the food is phenomenal.  I hope to get a small amount of shopping in to while we are there.  😉

My birthday is coming up next week and I will be 32.  I always wondered why people say that your 30’s are the best years of your life and now I understand. I feel like I have it all at this point in my life.  I have a wonderful man that loves me quirkiness and all PLUS I’m on the road to a career that I feel I am going to love.  What more could a girl ask for? I mean, a vacation in Bora Bora would be icing on the cake but I’m perfectly happy with my man and our three little dogs.

Happy March Everyone!