Late winter is birthday season in my family… unfortunately a lot of them fall closely together. My older niece, Lauren celebrated hers this week, my mom’s was 1/27, mine is 2/4, my dad’s was 2/6, and my other niece Taylor is celebrating her 21st birthday on 2/11. Busy busy for us right about now.
Aside from busy social calendars and busy work schedules, we are still starting to put together a few ideas for the impending betrothal. We are trying to zero in on a date that works for us both temperature-wise and financially.
Mandee and I have both decided to give vegeterianism a try again. I was on a VWOL (Vegeterian way of life) for about 6/7 months in 2010 but kinda fell off the wagon when I started having dinner regularly with Mandee… even though she also gave it a try for a while. It’s went well since Jan 1st. We allow ourselves one meal a week with meat which is just enough to get us thru to the next week. This week, we had the most incredible steak ever that Karen prepared. and next week, I feel the need for some breakfast bacon!! YUM! OK enough food talk for now.