Momma Lasseter with the Grandkids

So Mandee walked across the stage (Part 1…Part 2 is in a year) for her White Coat Ceremony this weekend. In attendance were myself, of course, her mom, sister, friend Heather, my sister and brother-in-law, and cousin Brian. Mandee pretty much covered the details, but I felt like saying how proud we are that she has over half of this trial behind her and is heading into the final year before getting more initials after her name.

Playing Angry Birds before Surgery!

The following Monday, we were up early and preparing for her to go into the hospital to have her thyroid out. Momma Lasseter and I shuttled her to the hospital… as for me, I was in major stress shutdown mode and basically trying to run on autopilot so as to not show how truly stressed I was. The surgery was brief compared to what we were told and the surgeon reported great results. On that note, I have to comliment her excellent surgeon, Dr Zirkle. He did an outstanding job and every person that we mentioned his name to in the hospital was extremely complimentary. The staff at Ft Sanders was also very good. The food, not so much. I stayed the night with her even thought she came out of surgery smiling and joking. She refused to share her percocets with me btw. After a good review by Dr Zirkle, we came home and spent the day feeding her meds (more for recreation than anything). Her staples were removed on Wednesday and she and Momma Lasseter were on their way to Atlanta for the holidays.

Post-Surgical Morphine Bliss!

There were a couple minutes during the process that made my heart sputter, but it all worked out well and I’m anxious to get to Atlanta to see her for a long weekend. -E